Elevate Your Wellbeing: Contagious Care Videos

8:19 pm
Posted in Blog

I hope you’re doing well in this season!

I’ve received some great feedback from the live videos I have been doing on my Facebook group ‘Elevate Your Wellbeing: Contagious Care‘.

Thank you so much to those of you who have jumped on and supported this group online.

If you haven’t heard, I decided to create a Facebook group as a way of supporting and encouraging you and our community (in Kiama and further afield).

The purpose of the group is:

1) to strengthen our inner being and our relationships. It’s a time where we can take an honest look at ourselves and decide how we want to live (from the inside) both now and in the future.

2) to provide a safe space to connect and personally develop and to be a lighthouse 💡 to others, in your families and communities.

Topics include:

* Dealing with the emotion of social distancing
* Exploring what’s underneath our reactions 🤔
* Being intentional in our relationships ❤️
* Keeping connected, in isolation and intense proximity
* Keeping close, but separate (“Help… get me out of here, I’m suffocating!”)
* Putting structure and routine into your ‘staying at home life’
* Dealing with stress in the face of constant change and uncertainty
* Gratitude 🙏
* Mindfulness, Mindset, Meditation
* Purpose in our life, especially through this time
* Resilience during challenge
* Surviving lockdown as a couple 😬🙄😆
* Understanding conflict… how to prevent, reduce and de-escalate it.

If you haven’t already joined the Facebook group and would like to, you can do so here.

Those of you who would like to access the videos outside of the Facebook group, all of the videos are now uploaded on my YouTube channel.

Watch The Videos On My YouTube Channel Here

I look forward to continuing to connect with you during these times. 🙌🌟

Take care,

P.S. If this is not for you but you think it might be useful for someone else, please pass it on to them.

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